Thursday 1 December 2011


When creating our music production, we had a number of idea that were inspired by different aspect of the modern media world. One of our main inspirations that we focused on were the cast and theme of the T.V show 'skins'. already mentioned in previous posts, the show consist of a group of teenagers who, on a regular basis, have parties, drink to much and end up preforming an action that they regret such as sleeping with someone whom they wouldn't have any intention in doing so sober.

The costumes of our cast vaguely resemble that of skins. Being one of Britain leading teen television shows this, we feel, was an excellent choice for inspiration. The tattered,
skimpy clothing of Cassey, Michelle and the rest of the cast provided a wide range of ideas for our costumes

Our team felt that this show would be an excellent 'template' to our music video, as the name 'Post Break Up Sex' intertwines well with the 'Skins' set of morning after regret where a party has transpired.

Another one of our inspirations is one of the most successful, and most recent, indie genre bands;
'Mumford and Sons'. The Vaccines formed them
selves in 2010, meaning that one of their more integrated inspirations were Jason Mumford and the band.
The low budget, one location, self shot theme of post break up sex is similar to the music video of 'little lion man' preformed by Mumford and Sons, set in one location with low budget effects of simple light flickering in unison to the music.

The locations of our production was a simple take on the official video of Post Break-Up Sex. We felt that the situation of 'morning after' regret should take place in the location of a house, a place where it opens in comfort but is then made incredibly awkward between the two involved individuals. While in a house the cost for this production is low and so we are open to have more props available for us to have for the production to mimic that a party has taken place. This also supports the low budget aspect of the 'indie' genre, having a gritty 'DIY' feel to the production, making a cheap, but professional production piece.

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