Evaluation- Question 3
3. What have you learned from you audience feedback?
We decided to make a group on face book and add a range of people to allow them to comment on our video and digi
pack. After editing our video with the shots we have taken from the filming, we did have some feedback from a teacher suggesting we maybe add some performance shots. We took this feedback into the consideration and at least tried it, to show that we were open to suggestions and it actually worked really well so we incorporated the shots into our video. This also helped us to gain more experience with the technology offered to us which was good. We also felt that gaining opinions from our friends in the face book group could be seen as quite biased so we felt another way to gain feed back would be to print off a questionnaire we have made and give it peers in our class that aren't close friends so the feedback would of been more honest, we maybe could of sent them our anonymously but this would of been a lot of hassle we didn't need so close to the deadline. Looking at these comments they aren't really very appropriate or help full at all but underneath there has been a positive comment made one of the actors. We have have positive feedback from our peers when we've shown them which probably could of been recorded but due to the looming deadline we didn't have enough time. As stated before we handed out 3/4 questionnaires on asking people to rate the video out of 10 and
answer some short questions so it didn't bombard them.We have also added the video to Youtube so we could get a wider audience and maybe people from around the world could comment. 'MagnumOpusUK' has commented on our video and said that we 'Did the song justice' and there are some really 'Engaging Angles' which we all have agreed with, for instance this is a high angle shot focusing on an actor passed out the floor, and in the background there is someones hand holding a beer can. We also felt that shots such as the close up of the guitar at the end really make the video as they were filmed with high end cameras and make the video look a professional. This comment has made us see that we have some good shots and this means if any of us take media up as a career, or to university, we can take so
me of these skills with us. Looking at one feedback from they have also commented on the camera work and directing, they have also stated that they disliked some of the acting in the video as they didn't feel the actors suited some of the roles and they have also stated they think we could of improved our costume choice and the lip syncing of some of our actors. We feel the lip syncing could be improved some what also, this could be down to some the editing or the singers, but the editing was rated a 9 out of 10. We are very pleased that the feedbacker has said the video looks like it was made for the actual band which we are pleased with. It has a homemade look just the original, which we were aiming for.
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