Thursday, 3 November 2011

Use of Technology

Our music video was filmed with only a digital video camera and a tripod which helped us to achieve the whole project. It allowed us to instantly pay back our footage so we good check if they were appropriate to use. Instantly playing back our shots didn't really influence us dramatically during filming meaning we didn't delete any shots we didn't want to use as we wanted as much footage as possible in case we needed any back up. This decision was influenced by previous experiences last year. It did help us to correct any camera issues, such as the position as we were allowed to watch it back and solve the problem along with evaluating the quality of the footage. We didn't use a fig-rig at all during filming and some shots were filmed hand held as the bedrooms used were just to small to fit the tripod in a way that wouldn't effect our shot.

The editing of our footage will be done with Final Cut Pro, which is a high end editing software for mac computers. All the group have had experience with this program as we all did a AS Media Studies course last year although one member in particular, Jake Perry-Gardner has more experience as he has been using it for 4 years so the majority of the editing will be done by him as we want the best possible effects.

After having a team meeting we decided to take advantage of the facilities at college and add an element of performance into our video by adding clips of the band onto the video. This allowed us to use 3 top of the range cameras and also a piece of software that allowed us to cut between the cameras smoothly. We also able to use back lights, a crane and high quality speakers to play the song through to make sure the lip syncing was on Que. This enhanced our music video massively allowing us to add close ups of guitar playing, and allowed us to capture the band at different angles just like they would of a top of the range, expensive music video.

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