We have used 3 rooms in the making of the production. As there are several different scenarios all about the same situation and we wanted to get the feel of the main protagonist walking into different rooms at separate party's. We did face one set back which was that we were unable to film at Yemi's house as we weren't allowed so we had to use Jake's room and Jake's dads room so it looked like we had filmed at another location as the room at his mums house looks similar to the one at his dads. This made it easier for us as it was one less location for us to travel to so the problem was easily overcome
Ellie's Room:
We have used several rooms in the production of our filming to give the the idea that the main protagonist is walking into several different situations. We have used Ellie's room due to the bright pink walls, the posters in the background and the messy atmosphere as it gives off a teenage vibe and sets the scene.
Jake's Room:
Jake's room looks a like it is owned by an older teenager around the age of 17-19, this doesn't really matter as the room also looks messy like its been lived in. We could of added things such as party string, and more empty bottles of beer could of been added around the room to add the party feel.
Jake's second Room:
A lot of things could of been added to this room to make it look more teenage, like the other rooms used but this couldn't of been done as we had to use this room at short notice as one of the original rooms could not of been used. We were a bit disappointed about this but it didn't affect us dramatically and we were able to overcome the problem.
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